Our Core Values
- Tourism is a vital component of economic development
- Tourism contributes to the overall quality of life in the region
- Together we are stronger
- Communication and education are key to our mutual success
- Employment in the tourism industry is a noble profession
Message from the President
On behalf of the Bluegrass Hospitality Association, thank you for your interest in our organization. I have worked in the hospitality and tourism industry for my entire career and appreciate the hard work that it takes to help visitors experience the best of Lexington and I do it every day because of my love for this community and the entire state of Kentucky. Our hospitality ranks above the rest – our only obstacle is that some haven’t found us yet!
To our current members, thank you for your continued support of the association. We hope that you will continue to take an active role in our mission of advocacy, investment and celebration. Committees are always looking for additional help with our initiatives. If you are not a current member, please consider joining us. Our membership consists of Lexington and regional members from hotels, tourism groups, attractions, the food & beverage industry. A full list of benefits can be found in the MEMBERS section. Please reach out if I can answer any questions for you.
Julie Schickel
BHA President
Follow us on Twitter @BHAhospitality, Instagram @bha.lex and like us on Facebook @bhahospitality to stay informed about important industry issues, upcoming event and activities.

We Are

Our Mission
2023-2024 BHA Board of Directors
President – Julie Schickel, VistLex
President Elect – Amy Stamper, Hilton Downtown
Treasurer – Joe Fields, Central Bank Center
Secretary – Lauren Simmerman, Blue Grass Airport
Past President – Sarah Fink, Keeneland
Joe Kuosman, West Sixth Brewing
Manish Patel, Holiday Inn Express
Kyndall Lanter, Bluegrass Hospitality Group
Rich Byrd, Marriott City Center
Lauren Campbell, Bluegrass Community & Technical College
Sarah Thacker, Marriott Griffin Gate
Trish Bauermeister, The Campbell House